Saturday, July 11, 2015

Data Center in India

Indian government needs  Data Center
India is one of the largest user of Internet in the world
Indian Government doesn't have its own Data center

                        People of India were one of the largest users of Internet but they save/share their data in other countries or private as Indian Government doesn't have its own Data Center.
Indian Government should start world largest data centers which runs in 100% renewable energy .So that it can earn huge money as revenue from Asian countries without affecting the nature .World today most of the data centers run in 80 to 100 % renewable energy .
           Very soon Indian government should start it .

Saturday, June 27, 2015

No Caste

Caste should be used only to follow their cultural customs instead it should not be used to discriminate people and should not destroy the humanity in any form of violence.

To avoid caste discrimination in India "No Caste" option is needed in all sectors.

while applying for job that particular application should have "No Caste" option other than caste options. It denotes that I don't belong to any caste and I'm against it .

Even same process should be followed in Schools and colleges .
and that applications should have those options.

Further Steps:

Government should dissolve all caste communities and caste unions .
Recreating caste union should be punishable under  law.

marriages should not be register under any caste system.
All people should be treated as equal .

In case :

If any caste violence occurs . It should be punishable with Life term imprisonment .
The benefits from government to that family should be cut off for next 10 years after judgement.

There should be No Caste certificates .It should be abolished.
All the records of caste system among people  in the government sources should be erased.
From Census,Aadhar,Caste Certificates & etc .

Revolution :

    Revolution  should break out by youngsters to abolish caste systm .
1)They should form groups and burn out their caste certificates in public ground and show their support to abolish caste system . or
2) They should return their caste certificate to certain departments Thasildar,District Collector ,Revenue department & etc. Force government to issue "No Caste" certificate .
3) Political Revolution : Caste leaders should overcome forward to abolish caste system in behalf of people .They should be the role model to abolish caste system.Sometime this method will take 50 years to come in effect.
4) In India year 2020 there should be "No Caste" come forward people and make hashtag in all social media  #NoCaste . Make people to know about it, we will make a change. join me.

Real Freedom :
         Indian people are cheated by fake freedom . We will taste the real freedom by abolishing caste system ,bribe and all the bad things grown and formed a corrupted system in India .

Other Method : Giving Up Caste

                      Like giving up Gas Subsidy Wealthy developed people should voluntarily come forward to give up caste certificates and get No caste certificate in Thasildar offices or Revenue offices . So by this method we can make people to get rid of caste system. Government have to bring this scheme to effect as soon as possible .So that at least 30 % of Indians must come forward with me to return back their caste certificates and this will make a change in the future Indian society .

At first remove the caste certificate and its benefits from all government workers , Without caste identity they can work freely and it will make them to treat others equal.

No Caste Needed

Krishna Kumar G

More about No Caste

Want to Know more about Economic Based Reservation

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Zero Tax Exception Beyond Super Power Nations

Everyone should pay Tax who earns money in India.No one should be Excluded.
There should be no Tax Exception or Zero Tax.

But there should be a system like this below according to this current situation in India financial year 2015-2016.

(Rupees or consider to be Annual income )

Tax limit upto 100000 rs  1%  Tax
Tax limit upto 200000 rs  2 % Tax
Tax limit upto 300000 rs  3%  Tax
Tax limit upto 400000 rs  4%  Tax
Tax limit upto 500000 rs  5%  Tax
above 500000 to 1000000 20% Tax
above 1000000 to 5000000 30% Tax
above 5000000 to 10000000 33% Tax
above 10000000 to any 35% Tax

This is a simple step and it is essential for India to make over nation super power.

Institutional and Organization Tax Exception should be cut off.
They should pay Tax,No Exception for anything.

When these thing happens
Every child would get free education upto graduation
Good Drinking water
Sanitation facility to all people
Equality among people.
Good governance

There  may be few disadvantages while promoting or imposing this system.
But after a year everything will change to normal.

Try This or Leave it.

Krishna Kumar G